Vinanda's Learning

                            Personal Letter
                                   Purwosari, 11 January 2020

Dear Dinda,

       Hallo Din, how are you? I hope you in Pandaan are in a healty condition. May you and your family always be in the happines and protection of God.
       What is new with you? I've been doing a lot of new activities. My hobby is cooking and I will try something new to develop my hobby, actually. We're pretty good, I think would be a good hope. I'm very happy!

       At my school now implementing the SDGs program about globalization that is happening in the current era is greatly increasing because the use of air conditioners that are used continuously without any usage restrictions, the use of air conditioners continuously can damage or weaken the ozone layer on earth and can increase carbon dioxide and accelerating global warming such as the occurrence of a prolonged drought, we can also overcome the ozone layer depletion is by using Adiwiyata Programs in every school such as : Planting trees on every street or school, making school forests and greening in our school environment, and we can reduce restrictions on the use of electricity that can damage nature.

       So first of all news from me, send my greetings to your mother who is beautiful and kind hearted, take care of yourself and always healthy for you too

                                                              Kind regards

                            Cause and Effect

                                Air Pollution

       Air pollution itself is a place where the air that is around is polluted by chemicals, substances or negative particles, or other biological materials that are dangerous. Air pollution or also known as air pollution replaces various kinds that are not only for humans, but also for humans.
       This air pollution is a place that reviews air that is no longer pure because it is polluted by various pollutants. This air pollution does not occur and is not the result of human activity itself. Pollutants that pollute the air contain the most smoke that contains a lot of diseases and also other dangerous things. Therefore called air pollution.
       The smoke that immediately causes this air pollution is more and more common to us as our day is more modern and more and more human industrial activities. In addition to the activities of factories, smoking activities in humans also contribute between which is quite significant to the level of air pollution and also as soon as possible - as fast as possible moving vehicles too.
Causes of Air Pollution
       We have discussed in full or general terms about what supports air. Then what can be seen? there are so many things that can cause air pollution. The cause of this air damage can be caused through activities or daily activities. adjust some things that cause air pollution include:
• Vehicle emission

         Vehicle fumes are the easiest result for us to meet. This is because the vehicle is a means of transportation for anyone who has it, whether it is a four-wheeled vehicle or a car or transportation vehicle. Vehicle smoke is a major contributing factor to air pollution. Vehicle smoke that regulates the day in production by billions of vehicles every second will greatly cause air pollution.
Therefore we often find rural areas that are clean and healthy in urban areas. This is one of the best in rural areas that we rarely encounter in available or monil vehicles, while in very rare cities that have vehicles by car.

• Factory smoke

         Besides vehicles. Factory smoke is also included in the trigger of the presence of bound air. This factory smoke even contributes to carbon gas in the air. Factory smoke can also cause or be a trigger of loss of acid rain.
Factory smoke that is made and is usually released through a chimney as soon as possible, is returned up to the surface it will be very dangerous and also a contributor of harmful gases. As we discussed together, it was expelled immediately from the factory that does not have the same function once again. Because it is caused by factory waste consisting of gas and discharged in the air this is a trigger factor of air pollution.

• Cigarette smoke

        The next cause of air pollution is smoke. As we discussed together, that smoking is something that is very important for the male community in Indonesia. Lots of people or men in Indonesia who smoke without having the risk that will occur in the future.
While the government and cigarette producers themselves urge people not to smoke, orangutans in Indonesia always love the culture of smoking. Cigarette smoke caused by smoking cigarettes contains a lot of gas. Just imagine if there are millions of people who buy cigarettes immediately, then this will of course be very easy to cause air pollution.
• Forest fires

         The natural disaster is the one that causes the displacement of fire air pollution. Burning forest will produce as fast as possible which is scattered everywhere. This immediate smoke is a source of air pollution. Because it is caused by many problems arising, most of the lungs that occur are caused by forest damage. Some of the problems that arise from forest fires are lung disease and skin diseases.
• Garbage pile

        Turning to social problems. We still know that in urban areas there must be a place for garbage dumping. A place like this is a pile of rubbish from people in urban areas. Not infrequently vast land is only used as a dumping ground. This large amount of garbage will eventually cause air pollution. Not only the odor, but also various diseases will attack. Among diseases that can attack or arise are lung disorders and skin disorders.

• Illegal logging

         The next factor causing air pollution or pollution is illegal logging. Actually this is not the direct cause of air pollution. It's just that we know that one of the main functions of the forest is to neutralize the air and absorb various kinds of pollutants in the air. When the stout forest loses its tree, it can only be imagined how difficult it is to absorb pollutants in the air so that we will find dirty and not cool air anymore.

Impact of Air Pollution
        Air pollution, which is a process of pollution in the air, of course, has various impacts that we can feel. The impact caused by air pollution is of course a negative impact. The main impact of air pollution is health problems. There are many forms of health problems that will result from the presence of air pollution, more fully and clearly, the following are the effects of air pollution:

• Respiratory disorders such as lung disorders
       Air pollution is very easy to cause the arrival of various diseases, especially those related to the lungs. This is because air is our only means of breathing, which is taken from the nose and then into the lungs. This of course will automatically affect the organs responsible for breathing, the lungs.
Disrupt skin health, so the skin will look dull, elasticity deteriorates, premature aging, premature wrinkles, dark spots, to skin cancer.
Cause recurrence of asthma
Asthma is a disease that is related to the lungs and often arises when inhaling the cotone air for some time.
Follow-up from respiratory illness is cough. This cough will often arise when breathing in lots of dirty and unsterile air

Disturbing views (for example smoke from forest fires in Sumatra)
Cause stress and also emotional rise quickly
Trigger acid rain.
Air pollution or air pollution that is too long will trigger this acid rain. the process of acid rain can begin when sulfur or sulfur and nitrogen react with oxygen in the air. This will certainly trigger the emergence of nitrogen dioxide.

Then this nitrogen dioxide then reacts again with water vapor which then forms nitric acid and sulfuric acid. It is this nitric acid and sulfuric acid which will flare up and experience condensation to form clouds which then fall into rain. For the effects of acid rain, there is no question about it, there are many adverse effects of this acid rain.

Cause global warming
Global warming is a long-term impact of air pollution. Air pollution in the high category and in a period that is not too short will trigger global warming. This is because natural wealth has been sabotaged by humans. Humans who have experienced modernity will conduct various activities that trigger air pollution and this cannot be reduced. Humans will only control the increase in air pollution with a few small things. And without us realizing it turns out that as humans become more modern the Earth will be increasingly threatened its safety.

Interferes with plant growth
Air pollution will also interfere with plant growth. So living things that feel the effects of air pollution are not only humans and animals, even plants feel the consequences. Plants that live in environments with higher levels of pollution will experience several kinds of diseases. Examples of diseases that can attack plants when in a polluted air environment are chlorosis, necrosis, and also black spots. Those are some of the impacts that can result from air pollution. Apart from the impacts described above, there are still other impacts that we can encounter and of course are of a detrimental nature.

                           Teks Eksplanation

                             Global Warming

            Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the entire surface of the earth in the atmospheric part of the sea and landmass.  Some things that scientists still doubt are about the amount of global warming that is expected to occur in the future and how warming and the changes that occur will vary from one region to another.                  The average global temperature at the earth's surface has increased by 0.74 0.18 C (1.33 0.32 F) over the past hundred years.  Many consider this change only a small change, but can have a big impact on the earth.
 This increase in temperature can change the climate, causing changes in weather patterns that can cause an increase and change in rainfall, wind and storm, and natural disasters that can take many lives.  The increase in the surface temperature of the earth is produced by the radiation of sunlight into the Earth's atmosphere, then some of this ray is transformed into heat energy in the form of infrared rays absorbed by the air and surface of the earth.
               The process of global warming is caused by many factors, especially by human activity.  The cause of global warming worldwide is due to the increasing population of technology, industry, and also the increasing population.  Here are the causes of global warming:
1. Greenhouse effect

            The greenhouse effect is an atmospheric process that warms the planet. Greenhouses occur as a result of heat reflected off the surface of the earth trapped by gases in the atmosphere, so it cannot be transmitted to outer space but is reflected back to the earth's surface.  The excessive greenhouse effect will endanger life on earth because it can affect the climate.
2. Increased Greenhouse Gases

             Gas has the property of trapping heat, so heat reflected from the earth's surface cannot be transmitted to light due to the gas, and this gas is called a greenhouse gas.  The most gas is carbon dioxide.  The cause of carbon dioxide increases due to the burning of coal, oil and natural gas fuels.
3. Pollution of Gasoline-Powered Vehicles

            Pollution produced by gasoline-powered vehicles such as motorcycles, cars, and other vehicles, where the results of the disposal of pollution produces excessive carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide is the biggest cause of global warming because this gas traps heat so heat cannot go out into space.
4. Excessive use of electricity

              Excessive use of electricity is one of the causes of global warming, because more and more energy is being used.  The use of electricity is too much at home even for things that are not necessary, and this makes electricity generation requires a lot of energy.  The use of more energy causes global warming to increase.
5. Forest destruction

              Forests are very useful, because lush trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.  If forests are damaged due to careless logging or burning, what happens is that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by forests decreases and more carbon dioxide collects in the atmosphere so that it can increase global warming.
6. Methane Pollution by Agriculture,      
    Plantation, and Animal Husbandry.

              Methane gas can come from oxygen-deprived organic material from the breakdown of bacteria such as in agriculture and plantations, while in livestock, such as cattle intestines.  So the increase in livestock production also increases the methane gas released to the surface of the earth.
7. Excessive Burning of Waste

            Excessive combustion of rubbish carried out en masse will lead to global warming because of the burning of the rubbish is methane gas.  Methane gas is one of the causes of global warming.
 From the explanation of the causes above, global warming also has an impact on life on earth as well as impacts on nature.  Following are the effects of global warming:
1. Melting polar ice caps and glaciers.
2. Rainfall will increase and storms will occur frequently.
 3. Ground water quickly evaporates and will cause drought which will cause many hardships for human life.
4. The weather is difficult to predict and more extreme, be it drought or rainfall.
5. The spread of various diseases such as DHF and Malaria that can attack humans.
6. Animal and plant populations will decline and cause scarcity of animals and plants.
7. Sea level rise which will cause tsunamis, floods, and islands will sink.
8. Increased food pests due to climate change and will have an impact on farmers' incomes.
9. May result in crop failure, because many farmers' land is submerged due to extreme weather which causes rainfall to increase.
10. The increase in cases of people dying as a result of climate change and also the weather, such as hot weather which affects many humans are dehydrated.

              Global warming can be overcome if all people in the world have the awareness to minimize the causes of global warming, such as doing things to overcome it, for example as follows:
* Reducing the use of gasoline-powered
   vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles.
* Use electricity as needed, not excessive.
* Reforestation and greening.
* Make adequate home ventilation.
* Creating or using environmentally friendly
* Save plastic or paper bags.
* Using alternative energy.
* Conserve forests and reduce tree felling carelessly.

               Global warming is a problem that is the main focus in the world.  This phenomenon is caused by human actions and also from nature itself.  To overcome this, it requires human efforts so that global warming does not increase, because it is impossible if it is directly overcome, it must be piecemeal.  Global warming is difficult to overcome, but we can reduce its effects.  Countermeasures this by our awareness of the future life of the earth.  If we have instilled our love and concern for this earth, then global warming is only a dark history that has ever befallen this has the property of trapping heat, so heat reflected from the earth's surface cannot be transmitted to light due to the gas, and this gas is called a greenhouse gas.  The most gas is carbon dioxide.  The cause of carbon dioxide increases due to the burning of coal, oil and natural gas fuels.
3. Pollution of Gasoline-Powered Vehicles
Pollution produced by gasoline-powered vehicles such as motorcycles, cars, and other vehicles, where the results of the disposal of pollution produces excessive carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide is the biggest cause of global warming because this gas traps heat so heat cannot go out into space.
4. Excessive use of electricity
 Excessive use of electricity is one of the causes of global warming, because more and more energy is being used.  The use of electricity is too much at home even for things that are not necessary, and this makes electricity generation requires a lot of energy.  The use of more energy causes global warming to increase.
5. Forest destruction
 Forests are very useful, because lush trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.  If forests are damaged due to careless logging or burning, what happens is that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by forests decreases and more carbon dioxide collects in the atmosphere so that it can increase global warming.
6. Methane Pollution by Agriculture, Plantation, and Animal Husbandry
 Methane gas can come from oxygen-deprived organic material from the breakdown of bacteria such as in agriculture and plantations, while in livestock, such as cattle intestines.  So the increase in livestock production also increases the methane gas released to the surface of the earth.
7. Excessive Burning of Waste
 Excessive combustion of rubbish carried out en masse will lead to global warming because of the burning of the rubbish is methane gas.  Methane gas is one of the causes of global warming.
 From the explanation of the causes above, global warming also has an impact on life on earth as well as impacts on nature.  Following are the effects of global warming:
1. Melting polar ice caps and glaciers.
2. Rainfall will increase and storms will occur
3. Ground water quickly evaporates and will
    cause drought which will cause many
    hardships for human life.
4. The weather is difficult to predict and more
    extreme, be it drought or rainfall.
5. The spread of various diseases such as DHF
    and Malaria that can attack humans.
6. Animal and plant populations will decline
    and cause scarcity of animals and plants.
7. Sea level rise which will cause tsunamis,
    floods, and islands will sink.
8. Increased food pests due to climate change
    and will have an impact on farmers'
9. May result in crop failure, because many
    farmers' land is submerged due to extreme
    weather which causes rainfall to increase.
10. The increase in cases of people dying as a
      result of climate change and also the
      weather, such as hot weather which affects
      many humans are dehydrated.
        Global warming can be overcome if all people in the world have the awareness to minimize the causes of global warming, such as doing things to overcome it, for example as follows:
* Reducing the use of gasoline-powered.      
   vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles.
* Use electricity as needed, not excessive.
* Reforestation and greening.
*  Make adequate home ventilation.
* Creating or using environmentally friendly        fuels.
* Save plastic or paper bags.
* Using alternative energy.
* Conserve forests and reduce tree felling.
 Global warming is a problem that is the main focus in the world.  This phenomenon is caused by human actions and also from nature itself.  To overcome this, it requires human efforts so that global warming does not increase, because it is impossible if it is directly overcome, it must be piecemeal.  Global warming is difficult to overcome, but we can reduce its effects.  Countermeasures this by our awareness of the future life of the earth.  If we have instilled our love and concern for this earth, then global warming is only a dark history that has ever befallen this earth.

                               Thank You 😀



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